about tetrees

My senior ICAM project at UCSD is based around a talk I had with my dad—in the form of a retro puzzle game. It highlights some of my best conversations with my dad over the past 2 years during the pandemic. In that time, he started smoking weed medically to reduce his stress and help him sleep. My project explores ideas of generational misunderstanding and the medicalization of weed in a familial context. The project is completely made by me.

The project stemmed from a wacky conversation with my dad, which caused me to reflect on some of the other conversations that I’ve had with him since quarantine started. My dad and I have never had an amazing relationship; our personalities have really clashed in the past. This project serves as a reflection on my relationship with my dad, but also explores the impact of the legalization of marijuana.

This project is made in PICO 8, a fantasy console for making, sharing and playing tiny games and other computer programs. I used this post to assist in my upload of the game. I will be uploading the files to this site and the itch page as I finish them; any questions can be sent to ren.neuhoff@gmail.com or lneuhoff@ucsd.edu and I will do my best to get back in a timely manner.